Want to Get Ahead on the World Wide Web?

Did you know, according to Internet World Stats, 34.3% of the world population, over two billion people, are now using the internet for work, study, and play? You may think that because there are so many more people using the web that your web page is just bound to be noticed and take off. However, according to Business Insider, there are 644 million websites with many pages each, and that number is climbing.

If you want to stand out in the increasingly crowded waters, you need to use SEO internet marketing to do so. Not every business has the in-house capability to do so, however. Here are four methods internet marketing SEO services can use to improve your business if you cannot use them for yourself.

  • Focus on Content Quality
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    It used to be that creating just barely legible content with a bunch of links and keywords was good enough to increase your visibility in search engines. However, recent changes to search giants like Google have changed the field to favor writers of high-quality content. As Andre of Etsy writes, content is king. Make yours unique, valuable, and engaging so that you give search engines a reason to give you high ranking while giving readers a reason to keep coming back. If you cannot do this, internet marketing SEO services can.

  • Take It Easy
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    According to QuickSprout, generating quality content frequently is a great way to stay relevant on the web. Both search engines and users prefer fresh content to old, after all. However, you can write too much too quickly; build too many links too soon. Building a handful of links each month is far more organic, more human. For this reason, Google and others will see these links as a source of organic (re: not bought) back-links. Slow and steady wins the race here.

  • Get Social
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    Are you aware that there are billions of people now using Facebook, Twitter, and others all across the planet? Facebook alone, according to Statistics Brain, has 1.15 billion users. That represents a huge source of untapped potential for many businesses. Build a page and start reaching out to people. If they have a problem with your service, address it. If they say “hi”, then say “hi” back. In doing so, you make sure that you will be part of the 15.5 hours a month people are spending on outlets like Facebook.

  • Design a Great Site
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    The fact is that website design remains incredibly important. This has become especially true with the rise of mobile users. According to Pew Internet, 56% of American adults now use smartphones with internet capability. Of those, 68% say a website that loads too slowly on their mobile device is enough to drive them off, according to NBC News. Make sure your site is designed with a mix of languages, e.g.CSS and HTML, to optimize speed and visual appeal.

These are all extremely important things every company should be doing to improve SEO and internet marketing. If you cannot do them for yourself, find an SEO internet marketing expert at reputable internet marketing SEO services who can. Do not wait to improve your business.