Goats! Yes, goats! You may be wondering why this pieces is starting out with goats. Well, did you know that goats mow the lawns at headquarters of Google. Yup, goats. And, the goats are rented from a local grazing company, which has probably gained some new business through Internet marketing.
The goat grazing is just one of the interesting facts about Google, which is presumably one of, if not the largest, search engine company in the world. In terms of Internet marketing, more than 88 percent of Internet users in the United States, who are aged 14 or older, browsed or researched products online in the year 2012. That is a pretty high level of usage.
In addition to this 88 percent figure, about 40 percent of that group will follow up with their results on social media, asking for more information or input before actually making a purchase. Social media platforms are another facet of Internet marketing. In terms of adult users, statistics say that approximately 92 percent of all U.S. adults perform a minimum of one search a day. That is a lot of Internet marketing potential.
Google garners about 65 to 70 percent of the entire Internet search engine market share; however, it is interesting to note that between 70 to 80 percent of those searching the Internet using search engines rarely pay attention to sponsored results. Instead, people are drawn to organic results, garnered through Internet marketing efforts.
What are organic results? These are results from effective Internet marketing that lead a person to things such as Seo blogs. So what does this mean in terms of Internet marketing and online marketing efforts you may be trying to implement?
While search engine optimization is important, as is search engine rankings, you should also consider Seo marketing efforts as well. This can include using SEO tools such as Seo reporting options and other search ranking methods. It is important to note that these tools and options are far more intricate than the old meta tags that were first used when trying to achieve higher search rankings.
There are many Internet marketing options that can help any size business reach its potential in terms of search engine ranking. There are do it yourself options, as well as many professional companies that can provide assistance. These search ranking companies can do everything from providing web content that has been SEO optimized to complete packages that will provide an entire overall Internet marketing package including optimized website and rankings, as well as social media platform assistance.
Get onboard with a full package of Internet marketing services that will get your website and business to the top. There really is no reason to wait. Who knows? You may even be able to get some goats to help with your lawn care!
I love the goats! I want my very own goats!
I am from the old school where we only used meta tags. This is good information!
I am from the old school where we only used meta tags. This is good information!
I am from the old school where we only used meta tags. This is good information!
I am from the old school where we only used meta tags. This is good information!
I am from the old school where we only used meta tags. This is good information!
I am from the old school where we only used meta tags. This is good information!