How to Run a Voice of the Customer (VoC) Program – Geek Support Tech

Resolution Lem. In this video we’ll explain what they are and how you can run them successfully.

The Voice of Customer Program collects and analyzes qualitative data on customer satisfaction as well as experience. The objective is to improve services and offer better experiences for customers. To run a successful voice of the customer program, you must establish a central location within the organization where all data is analyzed and collected. The VoC hub needs to have an organization that is committed to promoting the VoC’s value throughout the entire organization.

Voice hosting is another option that can aid. The company should have high scores and a good image. If not, it could be at risk of loss of customers due to bad reviews. After the VoC is done, analysis starts by seeking out trends, discovering patterns, and decoding. The results will be the basis for future decisions. Users who constantly use text messages, phone calls as well as social media are looking for a seamless company experience. The creation of the VoC program will help you identify issues affecting customers’ experiences and provide the company with an advantage in competition.
