Home Storm Restoration What You Need to Know – Best Online Magazine

fall asleep without putting your candle on. It is better to make use of flashlights to provide the light that you need.

The poisoning of carbon monoxide is one of the biggest risks after an event. Make sure your carbon monoxide detector is working prior to the storm. If you smell gas anytime or you have reason to suspect an odor of gas in the air, you should turn off the main gas valve and then leave the house when you are sure to leave.

If your plumbing system is running, you shouldn’t be drinking tap water during a storm unless you know that it’s safe. If you don’t have bottled water at hand, boil tap water to remove pollutants. It is important to keep track of alerts regarding safety to know about potential risks, like downed electric lines in the aftermath of a storm.

Assess the Damage Right Away

It is important to follow all the safety guidelines during storms. The severity of the storm, you may be asked to take refuge in a secure area or even evacuate your residence. The best thing to do is look over your home and evaluate the damages.

Be sure to check your windows for damaged frames or broken glass. Be sure to inspect your exterior for damaged sidings and outdoor appliances. Watch out for damaged shingles, granules or other evidence of roof damage. Photographs are essential and note all storm damage.

Be cautious when inspecting the basement and other parts of your home. It could be inundated with water. The act of walking through the standing water may expose you and your family to pollutants and could put you at risk of electrocution. It’s not necessary to gaze at the water from afar. Instead, unlock the basement’s door and take a couple of photos and not have to walk downstairs.

Examine as much of your home as you can Be on the lookout for glass that has been broken. If you have damaged windows, you must board them up until they are able to be
